Why I use kettlebells during workouts

Recently I was asked “Why would you use Kettlebells during workouts?” My short answer is “For something different” 😊. Which is important, but here are some more Kettlebell facts:.
Unlike dumbbells, which have symmetrical mass on each side of the weight, kettlebells have an off-center mass below their handle, challenging your coordination and motor control and working the targeted muscles through a wider range of motion to help develop joint stability and build mobility. Kettlebell exercises reveal and fix misalignments, compensations, asymmetries, and weaknesses in the body, relieving you of muscle stiffness and joint pain. The Physical Therapist in me loves this!!.
Kettlebell training has the ability to combine strength training with a high-intensity cardio workout, giving you an overall full-body workout. You’re building muscle, increasing power endurance, and getting lean all at once. By bridging the gap between cardio and strength training, your overall physical fitness levels will improve, getting you to the best shape of your life. This is key to whether you are wanting to gain muscle, lose fat or both! 👊🏻.
If you have chronic pain – whether it’s your shoulder, low back, hip, knee, or ankle – kettlebell exercises help retrain your body to get you moving correctly!!!! 🙌🏻 The kettlebell handle design mirrors objects we use in everyday life: door handles, backpacks, shopping carts…pretty much anything you lift, pull, or push affects your body in motion. This can result in pain if you’re not moving right. Training with a kettlebell carries over to these objects used in daily function, making it an ideal mode of exercise for restoring body mechanics and function. Again, Physical Therapist me loves this!!! 💯.
These are just a few of my favorite Kettlebell facts and there are lots more! I use them in my own training and with my clients. Have you tried them? I highly recommend!.
LMK if you have questions or need help in any way! I got you!! 👊🏻👊🏻.