Why I Use Kettlebells During Workouts

A Different Kind of Weight

Recently I was asked, “Why would you use Kettlebells during workouts?” My short answer? “For something different”. But diving a bit deeper, there’s so much more to it. Here are some of my go-to Kettlebell facts:

The Unique Design Advantage

Unlike dumbbells, with that neat symmetrical mass on each side of the weight, kettlebells swing in with an off-center mass below their handle. This quirky design challenges your coordination and motor control, pushing targeted muscles through a wider range of motion and developing joint stability. They come to our rescue, relieving us of that annoying muscle stiffness and joint pain. My inner Physical Therapist is totally cheering right now! 

Strength Meets Cardio

The magic doesn’t stop there. Kettlebell training merges the best of both worlds: it fuses strength training with a heart-pumping high-intensity cardio workout. The result? An overall full-body workout that’s simply dynamite. Whether your goal is to bulk up, slim down, or a mix of both, kettlebells are your trusty sidekicks. 
These are just a few of my favorite Kettlebell facts and there are lots more! I use them in my own training and with my clients. Have you tried them? I highly recommend!

Addressing Chronic Pain

Oh, and here’s a gem for those dealing with chronic pain. Kettlebell exercises are like a mini rehab session, retraining your body to groove in the right moves. The kettlebell handle? It mimics objects we juggle in our day-to-day, ensuring our body mechanics are on point. And you guessed it, the Physical Therapist in me is totally geeking out over this! 

Scientific Backing

Now, let me sprinkle in a bit of scientific backing for my kettlebell love. A study I came across, by Jay and his team in 2011, underscored the efficacy of kettlebell training for both musculoskeletal and cardiovascular health. They found that participants not only improved in muscle strength but also saw a boost in their cardiovascular endurance after training with kettlebells. Talk about a double win! 

Wrapping It Up So, while these are just a few tidbits from my kettlebell treasure trove, trust me, there’s so much more to unearth! I swear by them in my own routines and can’t help but incorporate them into my clients’ sessions. If you haven’t swung a kettlebell yet, what are you waiting for? Dive in! 

Got questions or need a hand (or a kettlebell)? I’m here. Always got your back… and your workout! .

Why I use kettlebells during workouts

A Different Kind of Weight

Recently I was asked, “Why would you use Kettlebells during workouts?” My short answer? “For something different”. Unlike dumbbells with that neat symmetrical mass, kettlebells swing in with an off-center mass below their handle, challenging your coordination and motor control.

Mobility & Stability

This quirky design pushes targeted muscles through a wider range of motion, helping develop joint stability. They can relieve muscle stiffness and joint pain. The Physical Therapist in me is totally cheering right now! 

Cardio Meets Strength

Kettlebell training fuses strength training with high-intensity cardio. The result? An overall full-body workout. Whether your goal is to bulk up, slim down, or a mix of both, kettlebells are your trusty sidekicks. 

For Chronic Pain Sufferers

Oh, and here’s a gem for those dealing with chronic pain. Kettlebell exercises retrain your body for the right moves. The kettlebell handle mimics daily objects, ensuring body mechanics are on point. The Physical Therapist in me is geeking out over this! 

Science Speaks

A study by Jay and his team in 2011 highlighted the efficacy of kettlebell training for musculoskeletal and cardiovascular health. Patients improved in muscle strength and saw a cardiovascular endurance boost. A testament to kettlebells’ effectiveness!

Give Them a Swing! 

These are just tidbits from my kettlebell treasure trove. I swear by them in my own routines and client sessions. Haven’t given them a swing yet? Time to dive in! 

Questions or need a hand? I’m here. Always got your back… and your workout!

Works Cited

Jay, K., Frisch, D., Hansen, K., Zebis, M. K., Andersen, C. H., Mortensen, O. S., & Andersen, L. L. (2011). Kettlebell training for musculoskeletal and cardiovascular health: a randomized controlled trial. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 37(3), 196-203.